Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Common metadata fields
MR Data described in the following sections share the following RECOMMENDED metadata fields (stored in sidecar JSON files). MRI acquisition parameters are divided into several categories based on "A checklist for fMRI acquisition methods reporting in the literature" (article) by Ben Inglis.
When adding additional metadata please use the CamelCase version of DICOM ontology terms whenever possible. See also recommendations on JSON files.
Hardware information
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
Manufacturer | RECOMMENDED | string | Manufacturer of the equipment that produced the measurements. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0008, 0070 Manufacturer . |
ManufacturersModelName | RECOMMENDED | string | Manufacturer's model name of the equipment that produced the measurements. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0008, 1090 Manufacturers Model Name . |
DeviceSerialNumber | RECOMMENDED | string | The serial number of the equipment that produced the measurements. A pseudonym can also be used to prevent the equipment from being identifiable, so long as each pseudonym is unique within the dataset. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 1000 DeviceSerialNumber . |
StationName | RECOMMENDED | string | Institution defined name of the machine that produced the measurements. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0008, 1010 Station Name . |
SoftwareVersions | RECOMMENDED | string | Manufacturer's designation of software version of the equipment that produced the measurements. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 1020 Software Versions . |
HardcopyDeviceSoftwareVersion | DEPRECATED | string | Manufacturer's designation of the software of the device that created this Hardcopy Image (the printer). Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 101A Hardcopy Device Software Version . |
MagneticFieldStrength | RECOMMENDED, but REQUIRED for Arterial Spin Labeling | number | Nominal field strength of MR magnet in Tesla. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 0087 Magnetic Field Strength . |
ReceiveCoilName | RECOMMENDED | string | Information describing the receiver coil. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 1250 Receive Coil Name , although not all vendors populate that DICOM Tag, in which case this field can be derived from an appropriate private DICOM field. |
ReceiveCoilActiveElements | RECOMMENDED | string | Information describing the active/selected elements of the receiver coil. This does not correspond to a tag in the DICOM ontology. The vendor-defined terminology for active coil elements can go in this field. |
NumberReceiveCoilActiveElements | OPTIONAL | integer | The number of active RF elements used by the receive coil. |
GradientSetType | RECOMMENDED | string | It should be possible to infer the gradient coil from the scanner model. If not, for example because of a custom upgrade or use of a gradient insert set, then the specifications of the actual gradient coil should be reported independently. |
MRTransmitCoilSequence | RECOMMENDED | string | This is a relevant field if a non-standard transmit coil is used. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 9049 MR Transmit Coil Sequence . |
MatrixCoilMode | RECOMMENDED | string | (If used) A method for reducing the number of independent channels by combining in analog the signals from multiple coil elements. There are typically different default modes when using un-accelerated or accelerated (for example, "GRAPPA" , "SENSE" ) imaging. |
CoilCombinationMethod | RECOMMENDED | string | Almost all fMRI studies using phased-array coils use root-sum-of-squares (rSOS) combination, but other methods exist. The image reconstruction is changed by the coil combination method (as for the matrix coil mode above), so anything non-standard should be reported. |
NumberTransmitCoilActiveElements | OPTIONAL | integer | The number of active RF elements used by the transmit coil. |
TablePosition | OPTIONAL, but RECOMMENDED if chunk entity is present |
array of numbers | The table position, relative to an implementation-specific reference point, often the isocenter. Values must be an array (1x3) of three distances in millimeters in absolute coordinates (world coordinates). If an observer stands in front of the scanner looking at it, a table moving to the left, up or into the scanner (from the observer's point of view) will increase the 1st, 2nd and 3rd value in the array respectively. The origin is defined by the image affine. |
Example for ReceiveCoilActiveElements
For Siemens, coil channels are typically not activated/selected individually,
but rather in pre-defined selectable "groups" of individual channels,
and the list of the "groups" of elements that are active/selected in any
given scan populates the Coil String
entry in Siemens' private DICOM fields
(for example, HEA;HEP
for the Siemens standard 32 ch coil
when both the anterior and posterior groups are activated).
This is a flexible field that can be used as most appropriate for a given
vendor and coil to define the "active" coil elements.
Since individual scans can sometimes not have the intended coil elements selected,
it is preferable for this field to be populated directly from the DICOM
for each individual scan, so that it can be used as a mechanism for checking
that a given scan was collected with the intended coil elements selected.
Institution information
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
InstitutionName | RECOMMENDED | string | The name of the institution in charge of the equipment that produced the measurements. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0008, 0080 InstitutionName . |
InstitutionAddress | RECOMMENDED | string | The address of the institution in charge of the equipment that produced the measurements. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0008, 0081 InstitutionAddress . |
InstitutionalDepartmentName | RECOMMENDED | string | The department in the institution in charge of the equipment that produced the measurements. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0008, 1040 Institutional Department Name . |
Sequence Specifics
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
PulseSequenceType | RECOMMENDED | string | A general description of the pulse sequence used for the scan. For example, "MPRAGE" , "Gradient Echo EPI" , "Spin Echo EPI" , "Multiband gradient echo EPI" . |
ScanningSequence | RECOMMENDED | string or array of strings | Description of the type of data acquired. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 0020 Scanning Sequence . Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 0020 Scanning Sequence . |
SequenceVariant | RECOMMENDED | string or array of strings | Variant of the ScanningSequence. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 0021 Sequence Variant . |
ScanOptions | RECOMMENDED | string or array of strings | Parameters of ScanningSequence. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 0022 Scan Options . |
SequenceName | RECOMMENDED | string | Manufacturer's designation of the sequence name. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 0024 Sequence Name . |
PulseSequenceDetails | RECOMMENDED | string | Information beyond pulse sequence type that identifies the specific pulse sequence used (for example, "Standard Siemens Sequence distributed with the VB17 software" , "Siemens WIP ### version #.##," or "Sequence written by X using a version compiled on MM/DD/YYYY" ). |
NonlinearGradientCorrection | RECOMMENDED, but REQUIRED if PET data are present | boolean | Boolean stating if the image saved has been corrected for gradient nonlinearities by the scanner sequence. Must be one of: "true" , "false" . |
MRAcquisitionType | RECOMMENDED, but REQUIRED for Arterial Spin Labeling | string | Type of sequence readout. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 0023 MR Acquisition Type .Must be one of: "1D" , "2D" , "3D" . |
MTState | RECOMMENDED | boolean | Boolean stating whether the magnetization transfer pulse is applied. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 9020 Magnetization Transfer .Must be one of: "true" , "false" . |
MTOffsetFrequency | OPTIONAL | number | The frequency offset of the magnetization transfer pulse with respect to the central H1 Larmor frequency in Hertz (Hz). |
MTPulseBandwidth | OPTIONAL | number | The excitation bandwidth of the magnetization transfer pulse in Hertz (Hz). |
MTNumberOfPulses | OPTIONAL | number | The number of magnetization transfer RF pulses applied before the readout. |
MTPulseShape | OPTIONAL | string | Shape of the magnetization transfer RF pulse waveform. The value "GAUSSHANN" refers to a Gaussian pulse with a Hanning window. The value "SINCHANN" refers to a sinc pulse with a Hanning window. The value "SINCGAUSS" refers to a sinc pulse with a Gaussian window.Must be one of: "HARD" , "GAUSSIAN" , "GAUSSHANN" , "SINC" , "SINCHANN" , "SINCGAUSS" , "FERMI" . |
MTPulseDuration | OPTIONAL | number | Duration of the magnetization transfer RF pulse in seconds. |
SpoilingState | RECOMMENDED | boolean | Boolean stating whether the pulse sequence uses any type of spoiling strategy to suppress residual transverse magnetization. Must be one of: "true" , "false" . |
SpoilingType | OPTIONAL | string | Specifies which spoiling method(s) are used by a spoiled sequence. Must be one of: "RF" , "GRADIENT" , "COMBINED" . |
SpoilingRFPhaseIncrement | OPTIONAL | number | The amount of incrementation described in degrees, which is applied to the phase of the excitation pulse at each TR period for achieving RF spoiling. |
SpoilingGradientMoment | OPTIONAL | number | Zeroth moment of the spoiler gradient lobe in millitesla times second per meter (mT.s/m). |
SpoilingGradientDuration | OPTIONAL | number | The duration of the spoiler gradient lobe in seconds. The duration of a trapezoidal lobe is defined as the summation of ramp-up and plateau times. |
WaterSuppression | OPTIONAL | boolean | Boolean indicating whether water suppression was used prior to acquisition. Must be one of: "true" , "false" . |
WaterSuppressionTechnique | OPTIONAL | string | The name of the pulse sequence used for water suppression (for example, "CHESS" , "VAPOR" ). |
B0ShimmingTechnique | OPTIONAL | string | The technique used to shim the B0 field (for example, "Dynamic shim updating" or "FASTMAP" ). |
B1ShimmingTechnique | OPTIONAL | string | The technique used to shim the B1 field (for example, "Simple phase align" or "Pre-saturated TurboFLASH" ). |
In- and Out-of-Plane Spatial Encoding
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
NumberShots | RECOMMENDED | number or array of numbers | The number of RF excitations needed to reconstruct a slice or volume (may be referred to as partition). Please mind that this is not the same as Echo Train Length which denotes the number of k-space lines collected after excitation in a multi-echo readout. The data type array is applicable for specifying this parameter before and after the k-space center is sampled. Please see "NumberShots" metadata field in the qMRI appendix for corresponding calculations. |
ParallelReductionFactorInPlane | RECOMMENDED | number | The parallel imaging (for instance, GRAPPA) factor in plane. Use the denominator of the fraction of k-space encoded for each slice. For example, 2 means half of k-space is encoded. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 9069 Parallel Reduction Factor In-plane . |
ParallelReductionFactorOutOfPlane | RECOMMENDED | number | The parallel imaging (for instance, GRAPPA) factor in the second phase encoding dimension of 3D sequences. Use the denominator of the fraction of k-space encoded in the second phase encoding dimension. For example, 2 means half of k-space is encoded. Will typically be 1 for 2D sequences, as each slice in a 2D acquisition is usually fully encoded. ParallelReductionFactorOutOfPlane should not be confused with MultibandAccelerationFactor , as they imply different methods of accelerating the acquisition. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 9155 Parallel Reduction Factor out-of-plane . |
ParallelAcquisitionTechnique | RECOMMENDED | string | The type of parallel imaging used (for example "GRAPPA" , "SENSE" ). Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 9078 Parallel Acquisition Technique . |
PartialFourier | RECOMMENDED | number | The fraction of partial Fourier information collected. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 9081 Partial Fourier . |
PartialFourierDirection | RECOMMENDED | string | The direction where only partial Fourier information was collected. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 9036 Partial Fourier Direction . |
EffectiveEchoSpacing | RECOMMENDED, but REQUIRED if corresponding fieldmap data present | number | The "effective" sampling interval, specified in seconds, between lines in the phase-encoding direction, defined based on the size of the reconstructed image in the phase direction. It is frequently, but incorrectly, referred to as "dwell time" (see the "DwellTime" parameter for actual dwell time). It is REQUIRED for unwarping distortions using field maps. Note that beyond just in-plane acceleration, a variety of other manipulations to the phase encoding need to be accounted for properly, including partial fourier, phase oversampling, phase resolution, phase field-of-view and interpolation. 2Must be a number greater than 0. |
MixingTime | RECOMMENDED | number | In the context of a stimulated- and spin-echo 3D EPI sequence for B1+ mapping or a stimulated-echo MRS sequence, corresponds to the interval between spin- and stimulated-echo pulses. In the context of a diffusion-weighted double spin-echo sequence, corresponds to the interval between two successive diffusion sensitizing gradients, specified in seconds. |
PhaseEncodingDirection | RECOMMENDED, but REQUIRED if corresponding fieldmap data is present or when using multiple runs with different phase encoding directions (which can be later used for field inhomogeneity correction). | string | The letters i , j , k correspond to the first, second and third axis of the data in the NIFTI file. The polarity of the phase encoding is assumed to go from zero index to maximum index unless - sign is present (then the order is reversed - starting from the highest index instead of zero). PhaseEncodingDirection is defined as the direction along which phase is was modulated which may result in visible distortions. Note that this is not the same as the DICOM term InPlanePhaseEncodingDirection which can have ROW or COL values.Must be one of: "i" , "i-" , "j" , "j-" , "k" , "k-" . |
TotalReadoutTime | RECOMMENDED, but REQUIRED if corresponding 'field/distortion' maps acquired with opposing phase encoding directions are present (see Case 4: Multiple phase encoded directions) | number | This is actually the "effective" total readout time, defined as the readout duration, specified in seconds, that would have generated data with the given level of distortion. It is NOT the actual, physical duration of the readout train. If "EffectiveEchoSpacing" has been properly computed, it is just EffectiveEchoSpacing * (ReconMatrixPE - 1) . |
2Conveniently, for Siemens data, this value is easily obtained as
1 / (BWPPPE * ReconMatrixPE)
, where BWPPPE is the
"BandwidthPerPixelPhaseEncode" in DICOM Tag 0019, 1028 and ReconMatrixPE is
the size of the actual reconstructed data in the phase direction (which is NOT
reflected in a single DICOM Tag for all possible aforementioned scan
manipulations). See
Acquiring and using field maps - LCNI
and TotalReadoutTime - dcm_qa.
3We use the time between the center of the first "effective" echo and the center of the last "effective" echo, sometimes called the "FSL definition".
Timing Parameters
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
EchoTime | RECOMMENDED, but REQUIRED if corresponding fieldmap data is present, or the data comes from a multi-echo sequence or Arterial Spin Labeling. | number or array of numbers | The echo time (TE) for the acquisition, specified in seconds. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 0081 Echo Time (please note that the DICOM term is in milliseconds not seconds). The data type number may apply to files from any MRI modality concerned with a single value for this field, or to the files in a file collection where the value of this field is iterated using the echo entity. The data type array provides a value for each volume in a 4D dataset and should only be used when the volume timing is critical for interpretation of the data, such as in ASL or variable echo time fMRI sequences. |
InversionTime | RECOMMENDED | number | The inversion time (TI) for the acquisition, specified in seconds. Inversion time is the time after the middle of inverting RF pulse to middle of excitation pulse to detect the amount of longitudinal magnetization. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 0082 Inversion Time (please note that the DICOM term is in milliseconds not seconds).Must be a number greater than 0. |
DwellTime | RECOMMENDED | number | Actual dwell time (in seconds) of the receiver per point in the readout direction, including any oversampling. For Siemens, this corresponds to DICOM field 0019, 1018 (in ns). This value is necessary for the OPTIONAL readout distortion correction of anatomicals in the HCP Pipelines. It also usefully provides a handle on the readout bandwidth, which isn't captured in the other metadata tags. Not to be confused with "EffectiveEchoSpacing" , and the frequent mislabeling of echo spacing (which is spacing in the phase encoding direction) as "dwell time" (which is spacing in the readout direction). |
SliceTiming | RECOMMENDED, but REQUIRED for sparse sequences that do not have the DelayTime field set, and Arterial Spin Labeling with MRAcquisitionType set on 2D . |
array of numbers | The time at which each slice was acquired within each volume (frame) of the acquisition. Slice timing is not slice order -- rather, it is a list of times containing the time (in seconds) of each slice acquisition in relation to the beginning of volume acquisition. The list goes through the slices along the slice axis in the slice encoding dimension (see below). Note that to ensure the proper interpretation of the "SliceTiming" field, it is important to check if the OPTIONAL SliceEncodingDirection exists. In particular, if "SliceEncodingDirection" is negative, the entries in "SliceTiming" are defined in reverse order with respect to the slice axis, such that the final entry in the "SliceTiming" list is the time of acquisition of slice 0. Without this parameter slice time correction will not be possible. |
SliceEncodingDirection | RECOMMENDED | string | The axis of the NIfTI data along which slices were acquired, and the direction in which "SliceTiming" is defined with respect to. i , j , k identifiers correspond to the first, second and third axis of the data in the NIfTI file. A - sign indicates that the contents of "SliceTiming" are defined in reverse order - that is, the first entry corresponds to the slice with the largest index, and the final entry corresponds to slice index zero. When present, the axis defined by "SliceEncodingDirection" needs to be consistent with the slice_dim field in the NIfTI header. When absent, the entries in "SliceTiming" must be in the order of increasing slice index as defined by the NIfTI header.Must be one of: "i" , "i-" , "j" , "j-" , "k" , "k-" . |
RF & Contrast
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
FlipAngle | RECOMMENDED, but REQUIRED if LookLocker is set to true |
number or array of numbers | Flip angle (FA) for the acquisition, specified in degrees. Corresponds to: DICOM Tag 0018, 1314 Flip Angle . The data type number may apply to files from any MRI modality concerned with a single value for this field, or to the files in a file collection where the value of this field is iterated using the flip entity. The data type array provides a value for each volume in a 4D dataset and should only be used when the volume timing is critical for interpretation of the data, such as in ASL or variable flip angle fMRI sequences. |
NegativeContrast | OPTIONAL | boolean | true or false value specifying whether increasing voxel intensity (within sample voxels) denotes a decreased value with respect to the contrast suffix. This is commonly the case when Cerebral Blood Volume is estimated via usage of a contrast agent in conjunction with a T2* weighted acquisition protocol.Must be one of: "true" , "false" . |
Slice Acceleration
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
MultibandAccelerationFactor | RECOMMENDED | number | The multiband factor, for multiband acquisitions. |
Anatomical landmarks
Useful for multimodal co-registration with MEG, (S)EEG, TMS, and so on.
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
AnatomicalLandmarkCoordinates | RECOMMENDED | object of arrays | Key-value pairs of any number of additional anatomical landmarks and their coordinates in voxel units (where first voxel has index 0,0,0) relative to the associated anatomical MRI (for example, {"AC": [127,119,149], "PC": [128,93,141], "IH": [131,114,206]} , or {"NAS": [127,213,139], "LPA": [52,113,96], "RPA": [202,113,91]} ). Each array MUST contain three numeric values corresponding to x, y, and z axis of the coordinate system in that exact order. |
Echo-Planar Imaging and B0 mapping
Echo-Planar Imaging (EPI) schemes typically used in the acquisition of
diffusion and functional MRI may also be intended for estimating the
B0 field nonuniformity inside the scanner (in other words,
mapping the field) without the acquisition of additional MRI schemes
such as gradient-recalled echo (GRE) sequences that are stored under the
directory of the BIDS structure.
The modality labels dwi
(under dwi/
), bold
(under func/
(under perf/
), sbref
(under dwi/
, func/
or perf/
), and
any modality under fmap/
are allowed to encode the MR protocol intent for
fieldmap estimation using the following metadata:
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
B0FieldIdentifier | RECOMMENDED | string or array of strings | The presence of this key states that this particular 3D or 4D image MAY be used for fieldmap estimation purposes. Each "B0FieldIdentifier" MUST be a unique string within one participant's tree, shared only by the images meant to be used as inputs for the estimation of a particular instance of the B0 field estimation. It is RECOMMENDED to derive this identifier from DICOM Tags, for example, DICOM tag 0018, 1030 Protocol Name , or DICOM tag 0018, 0024 Sequence Name when the former is not defined (for example, in GE devices.) |
B0FieldSource | RECOMMENDED | string or array of strings | At least one existing "B0FieldIdentifier" defined by images in the participant's tree. This field states the B0 field estimation designated by the "B0FieldIdentifier" that may be used to correct the dataset for distortions caused by B0 inhomogeneities. "B0FieldSource" and "B0FieldIdentifier" MAY both be present for images that are used to estimate their own B0 field, for example, in "pepolar" acquisitions. |
Tissue description
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
BodyPart | OPTIONAL | string | Body part of the organ / body region scanned. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 0015 Body Part Examined . |
BodyPartDetails | OPTIONAL | string | Additional details about body part or location (for example: "corpus callosum" ). |
BodyPartDetailsOntology | OPTIONAL | string | URI of ontology used for BodyPartDetails (for example: "" ). |
Deidentification information
Describes the mechanism or method used to modify or remove metadata and/or pixel data to protect the patient or participant's identity.
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
DeidentificationMethod | OPTIONAL | array of strings | A description of the mechanism or method used to remove the Patient's identity. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0012, 0063 De-identification Method . Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0012, 0063 De-identification Method . |
DeidentificationMethodCodeSequence | OPTIONAL | array of objects | A sequence of code objects describing the mechanism or method use to remove the Patient's identity. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0012, 0064 De-identification Method Code Sequence . Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0012, 0064 De-identification Method Code Sequence . |
Each object in the DeidentificationMethodCodeSequence
array includes the following RECOMMENDED keys:
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
CodeValue | OPTIONAL | string | An identifier that is unambiguous within the Coding Scheme denoted by Coding Scheme Designator and Coding Scheme Version. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0008, 0100 Code Value . |
CodeMeaning | OPTIONAL | string | Text that has meaning to a human and conveys the meaning of the term Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0008, 0104 Code Meaning . |
CodingSchemeDesignator | OPTIONAL | string | The identifier of the coding scheme in which the coded entry is defined. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0008, 0102 Coding Scheme Designator . |
CodingSchemeVersion | OPTIONAL | string | An identifier of the version of the coding scheme if necessary to resolve ambiguity. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0008, 0103 Coding Scheme Version . |
Anatomy imaging data
Anatomy MRI sequences measure static, structural features of the brain.
This datatype is divided into two groups: non-parametric and parametric.
Non-parametric structural images have an arbitrary scale. For example, T1w data are T1-weighted, but the values do not correspond to actual T1 value estimates.
Parametric structural imaging, on the other hand, use a non-arbitrary scale. For example, a T1map file contains T1 value estimates, in seconds.
Non-parametric structural MR images
For more information about filename elements (for example, entities, suffixes, extensions), follow the links embedded in the filename template.
Filename entities or directories between square brackets (for example,
) are OPTIONAL. -
Some entities may only allow specific values, in which case those values are listed in
, separated by|
. -
means that there are several (>6) valid suffixes for this filename pattern. -
means that there are several (>6) valid extensions for this file type. -
means that both the unzipped and gzipped versions of the extension are valid.
Currently supported non-parametric structural MR images include the following:
Name | suffix |
Description |
Fluid attenuated inversion recovery image | FLAIR | In arbitrary units (arbitrary). Structural images with predominant T2 contribution (also known as T2-FLAIR), in which signal from fluids (for example, CSF) is nulled out by adjusting inversion time, coupled with notably long repetition and echo times. |
PD and T2 weighted image | PDT2 | In arbitrary units (arbitrary). A two-volume 4D image, where the volumes are, respectively, PDw and T2w images acquired simultaneously. If separated into 3D volumes, the PDw and T2w suffixes SHOULD be used instead, and an acquisition entity MAY be used to distinguish the images from others with the same suffix, for example, acq-PDT2_PDw.nii and acq-PDT2_T2w.nii . |
Proton density (PD) weighted image | PDw | In arbitrary units (arbitrary). The contrast of these images is mainly determined by spatial variations in the spin density (1H) of the imaged specimen. This contrast is achieved at short echo times and long repetition times; for gradient echo, this weighting is also possible with a short TR (TR<<T1) and a small flip angle. |
T1-weighted image | T1w | In arbitrary units (arbitrary). The contrast of these images is mainly determined by spatial variations in the longitudinal relaxation time of the imaged specimen. In spin-echo sequences this contrast is achieved at relatively short repetition and echo times. To achieve this weighting in gradient-echo images, again, short repetition and echo times are selected; however, at relatively large flip angles. Another common approach to increase T1 weighting in gradient-echo images is to add an inversion preparation block to the beginning of the imaging sequence (for example, TurboFLASH or MP-RAGE ). |
T2star weighted image | T2starw | In arbitrary units (arbitrary). The contrast of these images is mainly determined by spatial variations in the (observed) transverse relaxation time of the imaged specimen. In spin-echo sequences, this effect is negated as the excitation is followed by an inversion pulse. The contrast of gradient-echo images natively depends on T2-star effects. However, for T2-star variation to dominate the image contrast, gradient-echo acquisitions are carried out at long repetition and echo times, and at small flip angles. |
T2-weighted image | T2w | In arbitrary units (arbitrary). The contrast of these images is mainly determined by spatial variations in the (true) transverse relaxation time of the imaged specimen. In spin-echo sequences this contrast is achieved at relatively long repetition and echo times. Generally, gradient echo sequences are not the most suitable option for achieving T2 weighting, as their contrast natively depends on T2-star rather than on T2. |
Homogeneous (flat) T1-weighted MP2RAGE image | UNIT1 | In arbitrary units (arbitrary). UNIT1 images are REQUIRED to use this suffix regardless of the method used to generate them. Note that although this image is T1-weighted, regions without MR signal will contain white salt-and-pepper noise that most segmentation algorithms will fail on. Therefore, it is important to dissociate it from T1w . Please see MP2RAGE specific notes in the qMRI appendix for further information. |
Angiogram | angio | Magnetic resonance angiography sequences focus on enhancing the contrast of blood vessels (generally arteries, but sometimes veins) against other tissue types. |
Inplane T1 | inplaneT1 | In arbitrary units (arbitrary). T1 weighted structural image matched to a functional (task) image. |
Inplane T2 | inplaneT2 | In arbitrary units (arbitrary). T2 weighted structural image matched to a functional (task) image. |
The part-<label>
entity is
used to indicate which component of the complex representation of the MRI
signal is represented in voxel data.
This entity is associated with the DICOM Tag 0008, 9208
Allowed label values for this entity are phase
, mag
, real
and imag
which are typically used in part-mag
or part-real
pairs of files.
For example:
└─ sub-01/
└─ anat/
├─ sub-01_part-mag_T1w.nii.gz
├─ sub-01_part-mag_T1w.json
├─ sub-01_part-phase_T1w.nii.gz
└─ sub-01_part-phase_T1w.json
Phase images MAY be in radians or in arbitrary units.
The sidecar JSON file MUST include the units of the phase
The possible options are rad
or arbitrary
For example, for sub-01_part-phase_T1w.json
"Units": "rad"
When there is only a magnitude image of a given type, the part
entity MAY be omitted.
Parametric structural MR images
Structural MR images whose intensity is represented in a non-arbitrary scale constitute parametric maps.
For more information about filename elements (for example, entities, suffixes, extensions), follow the links embedded in the filename template.
Filename entities or directories between square brackets (for example,
) are OPTIONAL. -
Some entities may only allow specific values, in which case those values are listed in
, separated by|
. -
means that there are several (>6) valid suffixes for this filename pattern. -
means that there are several (>6) valid extensions for this file type. -
means that both the unzipped and gzipped versions of the extension are valid.
Parametric images listed in the table below are typically generated by processing a file collection. Please visit the file collections appendix to see the list of suffixes available for quantitative MRI (qMRI) applications associated with these maps (for example, MPM, MP2RAGE, and MTR).
Currently supported parametric maps include:
Name | suffix |
Description |
Quantitative susceptibility map (QSM) | Chimap | In parts per million (ppm). QSM allows for determining the underlying magnetic susceptibility of tissue (Chi) (Wang & Liu, 2014). Chi maps are REQUIRED to use this suffix regardless of the method used to generate them. |
Equilibrium magnetization (M0) map | M0map | In arbitrary units (arbitrary). A common quantitative MRI (qMRI) fitting variable that represents the amount of magnetization at thermal equilibrium. M0 maps are RECOMMENDED to use this suffix if generated by qMRI applications (for example, variable flip angle T1 mapping). |
Magnetization transfer ratio image | MTRmap | In arbitrary units (arbitrary). MTR maps are REQUIRED to use this suffix regardless of the method used to generate them. MTRmap intensity values are RECOMMENDED to be represented in percentage in the range of 0-100%. |
Macromolecular tissue volume (MTV) image | MTVmap | In arbitrary units (arbitrary). MTV maps are REQUIRED to use this suffix regardless of the method used to generate them. |
Magnetization transfer saturation image | MTsat | In arbitrary units (arbitrary). MTsat maps are REQUIRED to use this suffix regardless of the method used to generate them. |
Myelin water fraction image | MWFmap | In arbitrary units (arbitrary). MWF maps are REQUIRED to use this suffix regardless of the method used to generate them. MWF intensity values are RECOMMENDED to be represented in percentage in the range of 0-100%. |
Proton density image | PDmap | In arbitrary units (arbitrary). PD maps are REQUIRED to use this suffix regardless of the method used to generate them. |
Longitudinal relaxation rate image | R1map | In seconds-1 (1/s). R1 maps (R1 = 1/T1) are REQUIRED to use this suffix regardless of the method used to generate them. |
True transverse relaxation rate image | R2map | In seconds-1 (1/s). R2 maps (R2 = 1/T2) are REQUIRED to use this suffix regardless of the method used to generate them. |
Observed transverse relaxation rate image | R2starmap | In seconds-1 (1/s). R2-star maps (R2star = 1/T2star) are REQUIRED to use this suffix regardless of the method used to generate them. |
RF receive sensitivity map | RB1map | In arbitrary units (arbitrary). Radio frequency (RF) receive (B1-) sensitivity maps are REQUIRED to use this suffix regardless of the method used to generate them. RB1map intensity values are RECOMMENDED to be represented as percent multiplicative factors such that Amplitudeeffective = B1-intensity*Amplitudeideal. |
Projected baseline signal amplitude (S0) image | S0map | In arbitrary units (arbitrary). This represents a model-based estimate of signal intensity in the absence of the contrast under investigation. For a multi-echo sequence (for example, multi-echo spin echo T2 relaxometry or multi-echo fMRI), S0 maps index the baseline signal at a hypothetical echo time of zero (that is, in the absence of any T2 or T2-star decay). In other words: the exponential of the intercept for a linear decay model across log-transformed echos. For more information, please see, for example, the tedana documentation. S0 maps are RECOMMENDED to use this suffix if derived from an ME-FMRI dataset. For a diffusion-weighted sequence, S0 maps represent the model-based estimate of the signal intensity in the absence of any diffusion weighting; in other words, the image intensity at b=0 as estimated by a diffusion model fit. |
Longitudinal relaxation time image | T1map | In seconds (s). T1 maps are REQUIRED to use this suffix regardless of the method used to generate them. See this interactive book on T1 mapping for further reading on T1-mapping. |
T1 in rotating frame (T1 rho) image | T1rho | In seconds (s). T1-rho maps are REQUIRED to use this suffix regardless of the method used to generate them. |
True transverse relaxation time image | T2map | In seconds (s). T2 maps are REQUIRED to use this suffix regardless of the method used to generate them. |
Observed transverse relaxation time image | T2starmap | In seconds (s). T2-star maps are REQUIRED to use this suffix regardless of the method used to generate them. |
RF transmit field image | TB1map | In arbitrary units (arbitrary). Radio frequency (RF) transmit (B1+) field maps are REQUIRED to use this suffix regardless of the method used to generate them. TB1map intensity values are RECOMMENDED to be represented as percent multiplicative factors such that FlipAngleeffective = B1+intensity*FlipAnglenominal . |
For any other details on the organization of parametric maps, their recommended metadata fields, and the application specific entity or metadata requirement levels of file collections that can generate them, visit the qMRI appendix.
Defacing masks
If the structural images included in the dataset were defaced (to protect
identity of participants) one MAY provide the binary mask that was used to
remove facial features in the form of _defacemask
In such cases, the OPTIONAL mod-<label>
entity corresponds to modality suffix,
such as T1w
or inplaneT1
, referenced by the defacemask image.
For example, sub-01_mod-T1w_defacemask.nii.gz
For more information about filename elements (for example, entities, suffixes, extensions), follow the links embedded in the filename template.
Filename entities or directories between square brackets (for example,
) are OPTIONAL. -
Some entities may only allow specific values, in which case those values are listed in
, separated by|
. -
means that there are several (>6) valid suffixes for this filename pattern. -
means that there are several (>6) valid extensions for this file type. -
means that both the unzipped and gzipped versions of the extension are valid.
Task metadata for anatomical scans
The OPTIONAL task-<label>
entity can be used
in order to allow tasks during structural MR acquisitions,
for example pre-described motion paradigms such as nodding, to be described.
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
TaskName | RECOMMENDED if task entity is present |
string | Name of the task. No two tasks should have the same name. The task label included in the filename is derived from this "TaskName" field by removing all non-alphanumeric characters (that is, all except those matching [0-9a-zA-Z] ). For example "TaskName" "faces n-back" or "head nodding" will correspond to task labels facesnback and headnodding , respectively. |
TaskDescription | RECOMMENDED if task entity is present |
string | Longer description of the task. |
Instructions | RECOMMENDED if task entity is present |
string | Text of the instructions given to participants before the recording. |
Some meta information about the acquisition MAY be provided in an additional JSON file. See Common metadata fields for a list of terms and their definitions. There are also some OPTIONAL JSON fields specific to anatomical scans:
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
ContrastBolusIngredient | OPTIONAL | string | Active ingredient of agent. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 1048 Contrast/Bolus Ingredient .Must be one of: "IODINE" , "GADOLINIUM" , "CARBON DIOXIDE" , "BARIUM" , "XENON" , "UNKNOWN" , "NONE" . |
RepetitionTimeExcitation | OPTIONAL | number | The interval, in seconds, between two successive excitations. DICOM Tag 0018, 0080 best refers to this parameter. This field may be used together with the "RepetitionTimePreparation" for certain use cases, such as MP2RAGE. Use RepetitionTimeExcitation (in combination with "RepetitionTimePreparation" if needed) for anatomy imaging data rather than "RepetitionTime" as it is already defined as the amount of time that it takes to acquire a single volume in the task imaging data section.Must be a number greater than or equal to 0. |
RepetitionTimePreparation | OPTIONAL | number or array of numbers | The interval, in seconds, that it takes a preparation pulse block to re-appear at the beginning of the succeeding (essentially identical) pulse sequence block. The data type number may apply to files from any MRI modality concerned with a single value for this field. The data type array provides a value for each volume in a 4D dataset and should only be used when the volume timing is critical for interpretation of the data, such as in ASL. |
Deprecated suffixes
Some suffixes that were available in versions of the specification prior to 1.5.0 have been deprecated. These suffixes are ambiguous and have been superseded by more precise conventions. Therefore, they are not recommended for use in new datasets. They are, however, still valid suffixes, to maintain backwards compatibility.
The following suffixes are valid, but SHOULD NOT be used for new BIDS compatible datasets (created after version 1.5.0.):
Name | suffix |
Description |
Fast-Low-Angle-Shot image | FLASH | FLASH (Fast-Low-Angle-Shot) is a vendor-specific implementation for spoiled gradient echo acquisition. It is commonly used for rapid anatomical imaging and also for many different qMRI applications. When used for a single file, it does not convey any information about the image contrast. When used in a file collection, it may result in conflicts across filenames of different applications. Change: Removed from suffixes. |
Proton density image | PD | Ambiguous, may refer to a parametric image or to a conventional image. Change: Replaced by PDw or PDmap . |
T2* image | T2star | Ambiguous, may refer to a parametric image or to a conventional image. Change: Replaced by T2starw or T2starmap . |
Task (including resting state) imaging data
Currently supported image contrasts include:
Name | suffix |
Description |
Blood-Oxygen-Level Dependent image | bold | Blood-Oxygen-Level Dependent contrast (specialized T2* weighting) |
Cerebral blood volume image | cbv | Cerebral Blood Volume contrast (specialized T2* weighting or difference between T1 weighted images) |
Phase image | phase | DEPRECATED. Phase information associated with magnitude information stored in BOLD contrast. This suffix should be replaced by the part-phase in conjunction with the bold suffix. |
For more information about filename elements (for example, entities, suffixes, extensions), follow the links embedded in the filename template.
Filename entities or directories between square brackets (for example,
) are OPTIONAL. -
Some entities may only allow specific values, in which case those values are listed in
, separated by|
. -
means that there are several (>6) valid suffixes for this filename pattern. -
means that there are several (>6) valid extensions for this file type. -
means that both the unzipped and gzipped versions of the extension are valid.
Functional imaging consists of techniques that support rapid temporal repetition.
This includes, but is not limited to, task based fMRI, as well as resting state fMRI, which is treated like any other task.
For task based fMRI, a corresponding task events file (see below) MUST be provided
(please note that this file is not necessary for resting state scans).
For multiband acquisitions, one MAY also save the single-band reference image with the sbref
(for example, sub-control01_task-nback_sbref.nii.gz
Multi-echo data MUST be split into one file per echo using the
entity. For example:
└─ sub-01/
└─ func/
├─ sub-01_task-cuedSGT_run-1_echo-1_bold.nii.gz
├─ sub-01_task-cuedSGT_run-1_echo-1_bold.json
├─ sub-01_task-cuedSGT_run-1_echo-2_bold.nii.gz
├─ sub-01_task-cuedSGT_run-1_echo-2_bold.json
├─ sub-01_task-cuedSGT_run-1_echo-3_bold.nii.gz
└─ sub-01_task-cuedSGT_run-1_echo-3_bold.json
Please note that the <index>
denotes the number/index (in the form of a
nonnegative integer) of the echo not the echo time value which needs to be stored in the
field EchoTime of the separate JSON file.
Complex-valued data MUST be split into one file for each data type.
For BOLD data, there are separate suffixes for magnitude (_bold
) and phase
) data, but the _phase
suffix is deprecated.
Newly generated datasets SHOULD NOT use the _phase
suffix, and the suffix will be removed
from the specification in the next major release.
For backwards compatibility, _phase
is considered equivalent to _part-phase_bold
When the _phase
suffix is not used, each file shares the same
name with the exception of the part-<mag|phase>
or part-<real|imag>
For example:
└─ sub-01/
└─ func/
├─ sub-01_task-cuedSGT_part-mag_bold.nii.gz
├─ sub-01_task-cuedSGT_part-mag_bold.json
├─ sub-01_task-cuedSGT_part-phase_bold.nii.gz
├─ sub-01_task-cuedSGT_part-phase_bold.json
├─ sub-01_task-cuedSGT_part-mag_sbref.nii.gz
├─ sub-01_task-cuedSGT_part-mag_sbref.json
├─ sub-01_task-cuedSGT_part-phase_sbref.nii.gz
└─ sub-01_task-cuedSGT_part-phase_sbref.json
Some meta information about the acquisition MUST be provided in an additional JSON file.
Required fields
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
RepetitionTime | REQUIRED mutually exclusive with VolumeTiming |
number | The time in seconds between the beginning of an acquisition of one volume and the beginning of acquisition of the volume following it (TR). When used in the context of functional acquisitions this parameter best corresponds to DICOM Tag 0020, 0110: the "time delta between images in a dynamic of functional set of images" but may also be found in DICOM Tag 0018, 0080: "the period of time in msec between the beginning of a pulse sequence and the beginning of the succeeding (essentially identical) pulse sequence". This definition includes time between scans (when no data has been acquired) in case of sparse acquisition schemes. This value MUST be consistent with the 'pixdim[4]' field (after accounting for units stored in 'xyzt_units' field) in the NIfTI header. This field is mutually exclusive with VolumeTiming. Must be a number greater than 0. |
VolumeTiming | REQUIRED mutually exclusive with RepetitionTime |
array of numbers | The time at which each volume was acquired during the acquisition. It is described using a list of times referring to the onset of each volume in the series. The list must have the same length as the series, and the values must be non-negative and monotonically increasing. This field is mutually exclusive with "RepetitionTime" . This field is mutually exclusive with "DelayTime" . If defined, this requires acquisition time (TA) be defined via either "SliceTiming" or "AcquisitionDuration" . |
TaskName | REQUIRED | string | Name of the task. No two tasks should have the same name. The task label included in the filename is derived from this "TaskName" field by removing all non-alphanumeric characters (that is, all except those matching [0-9a-zA-Z] ). For example "TaskName" "faces n-back" or "head nodding" will correspond to task labels facesnback and headnodding , respectively. A RECOMMENDED convention is to name resting state task using labels beginning with rest . |
For the fields described above and in the following section, the term "Volume" refers to a reconstruction of the object being imaged (for example, brain or part of a brain). In case of multiple channels in a coil, the term "Volume" refers to a combined image rather than an image from each coil.
Other RECOMMENDED metadata
Timing Parameters
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
NumberOfVolumesDiscardedByScanner | RECOMMENDED | integer | Number of volumes ("dummy scans") discarded by the scanner (as opposed to those discarded by the user post hoc) before saving the imaging file. For example, a sequence that automatically discards the first 4 volumes before saving would have this field as 4. A sequence that does not discard dummy scans would have this set to 0. Please note that the onsets recorded in the events.tsv file should always refer to the beginning of the acquisition of the first volume in the corresponding imaging file - independent of the value of "NumberOfVolumesDiscardedByScanner" field.Must be a number greater than or equal to 0. |
NumberOfVolumesDiscardedByUser | RECOMMENDED | integer | Number of volumes ("dummy scans") discarded by the user before including the file in the dataset. If possible, including all of the volumes is strongly RECOMMENDED. Please note that the onsets recorded in the events.tsv file should always refer to the beginning of the acquisition of the first volume in the corresponding imaging file - independent of the value of "NumberOfVolumesDiscardedByUser" field.Must be a number greater than or equal to 0. |
DelayTime | RECOMMENDED | number | User specified time (in seconds) to delay the acquisition of data for the following volume. If the field is not present it is assumed to be set to zero. Corresponds to Siemens CSA header field lDelayTimeInTR . This field is REQUIRED for sparse sequences using the "RepetitionTime" field that do not have the "SliceTiming" field set to allowed for accurate calculation of "acquisition time". This field is mutually exclusive with "VolumeTiming" . |
AcquisitionDuration | RECOMMENDED, but REQUIRED for sequences that are described with the VolumeTiming field and that do not have the SliceTiming field set to allow for accurate calculation of "acquisition time" |
number | Duration (in seconds) of volume acquisition. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 9073 Acquisition Duration . This field is mutually exclusive with "RepetitionTime" .Must be a number greater than 0. |
DelayAfterTrigger | RECOMMENDED | number | Duration (in seconds) from trigger delivery to scan onset. This delay is commonly caused by adjustments and loading times. This specification is entirely independent of "NumberOfVolumesDiscardedByScanner" or "NumberOfVolumesDiscardedByUser" , as the delay precedes the acquisition. |
The following table recapitulates the different ways that specific fields have to be populated for functional sequences. Note that all these options can be used for non sparse sequences but that only options B, D and E are valid for sparse sequences.
RepetitionTime |
SliceTiming |
AcquisitionDuration |
DelayTime |
VolumeTiming |
option A | [ X ] | [ ] | [ ] | ||
option B | [ ] | [ X ] | [ ] | [ X ] | |
option C | [ ] | [ X ] | [ ] | [ X ] | |
option D | [ X ] | [ X ] | [ ] | [ ] | |
option E | [ X ] | [ ] | [ X ] | [ ] |
- [ X ] --> MUST be defined
- [ ] --> MUST NOT be defined
- empty cell --> MAY be specified
fMRI task information
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
Instructions | RECOMMENDED | string | Text of the instructions given to participants before the recording. This is especially important in context of resting state recordings and distinguishing between eyes open and eyes closed paradigms. |
TaskDescription | RECOMMENDED | string | Longer description of the task. |
CogAtlasID | RECOMMENDED | string | URI of the corresponding Cognitive Atlas Task term. |
CogPOID | RECOMMENDED | string | URI of the corresponding CogPO term. |
See Common metadata fields for a list of additional terms and their definitions.
└─ sub-01/
└─ func/
└─ sub-01_task-nback_bold.json
"TaskName": "N Back",
"RepetitionTime": 0.8,
"EchoTime": 0.03,
"FlipAngle": 78,
"SliceTiming": [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6],
"MultibandAccelerationFactor": 4,
"ParallelReductionFactorInPlane": 2,
"PhaseEncodingDirection": "j",
"InstitutionName": "Stanford University",
"InstitutionAddress": "450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305-2004, USA",
"DeviceSerialNumber": "11035",
"B0FieldSource": ["phasediff_fmap0", "pepolar_fmap0"]
Diffusion imaging data
Example datasets
Several example datasets contain diffusion imaging data formatted using this specification and that can be used for practical guidance when curating a new dataset:
Diffusion-weighted imaging data acquired for a participant. Currently supported image types include:
Name | suffix |
Description |
Diffusion-weighted image | dwi | Diffusion-weighted imaging contrast (specialized T2 weighting). |
Single-band reference image | sbref | Single-band reference for one or more multi-band dwi images. |
Additionally, the following suffixes are used for scanner-generated images:
Name | suffix |
Description |
Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) | ADC | Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map |
Fractional Anisotropy image | FA | Scanner-generated derivative parametric map reflecting the anisotropy of the diffusion tensor |
Projected baseline signal amplitude (S0) image | S0map | In arbitrary units (arbitrary). This represents a model-based estimate of signal intensity in the absence of the contrast under investigation. For a multi-echo sequence (for example, multi-echo spin echo T2 relaxometry or multi-echo fMRI), S0 maps index the baseline signal at a hypothetical echo time of zero (that is, in the absence of any T2 or T2-star decay). In other words: the exponential of the intercept for a linear decay model across log-transformed echos. For more information, please see, for example, the tedana documentation. S0 maps are RECOMMENDED to use this suffix if derived from an ME-FMRI dataset. For a diffusion-weighted sequence, S0 maps represent the model-based estimate of the signal intensity in the absence of any diffusion weighting; in other words, the image intensity at b=0 as estimated by a diffusion model fit. |
Colored Fractional Anisotropy image | colFA | Scanner-derived parametric map encoding both the anisotropy and principal direction of the diffusion tensor. Image intensity is proportional to the Fractional Anisotropy (FA) measure; image color is determined by the principal eigenvector of the diffusion tensor, where red encodes the magnitude of the left-right component of that orientation, with green and blue similarly encoding the anterior-posterior and inferior-superior components respectively. |
Exponental ADC | expADC | Exponental ADC / Attenuation Coefficient / Attenuation Factor map, as the ratio of trace-weighted to non-diffusion-weighted image intensity |
Trace-weighted diffusion image | trace | Trace-weighted image, as the mean intensity of diffusion-weighted images |
For more information about filename elements (for example, entities, suffixes, extensions), follow the links embedded in the filename template.
Filename entities or directories between square brackets (for example,
) are OPTIONAL. -
Some entities may only allow specific values, in which case those values are listed in
, separated by|
. -
means that there are several (>6) valid suffixes for this filename pattern. -
means that there are several (>6) valid extensions for this file type. -
means that both the unzipped and gzipped versions of the extension are valid.
The run-<index>
to encode the splits of multipart DWI scans
(see below for more information on multipart DWI schemes).
Combining multi- and single-band acquisitions.
The single-band reference image MAY be stored with suffix sbref
(for example,
) as long as the image has no corresponding
gradient information ([*_]dwi.bval
and [*_]dwi.bvec
sidecar files)
to be stored.
Otherwise, if some gradient information is associated to the single-band diffusion
image and a multi-band diffusion image also exists, the acq-<label>
MUST be used to distinguish both images.
In such a case, two files could have the following names:
and sub-01_acq-multiband_dwi.nii.gz
The user is free to choose any other label than singleband
, as long as they are consistent across subjects and sessions.
Scanner-generated derivative images,
such as trace-weighted, ADC, exponentiated ADC,
fractional anisotropy (FA and colFA), and estimated unweighted signal intensity,
MAY be included using the trace
, expADC
, FA
, colFA
and S0map
suffixes, respectively.
If trace, ADC, expADC, FA, colFA, or S0 volume filenames match a diffusion series with all applicable entities,
such volumes SHOULD have been computed from that series.
Otherwise, some entity, such as acq-<label>
SHOULD be used to indicate that the files are unrelated.
REQUIRED gradient orientation information
The REQUIRED gradient orientation information corresponding to a DWI acquisition
MUST be stored using [*_]dwi.bval
and [*_]dwi.bvec
pairs of files.
The [*_]dwi.bval
and [*_]dwi.bvec
files MAY be saved on any level of the directory structure
and thus define those values for all sessions and/or subjects in one place (see
the inheritance principle).
As an exception to the common principles
that parameters are constant across runs, the gradient table information (stored
within the [*_]dwi.bval
and [*_]dwi.bvec
files) MAY change across DWI runs.
Gradient orientation file formats.
The [*_]dwi.bval
and [*_]dwi.bvec
files MUST follow the
FSL format.
The [*_]dwi.bvec
file contains 3 rows with N space-delimited floating-point numbers,
corresponding to the N volumes in the corresponding NIfTI file.
Across these three rows,
each column encodes three elements of a 3-vector for the corresponding image volume;
each vector MUST be either of unit norm,
or optionally the vector [0.0,0.0,0.0]
for non-diffusion-weighted (also called b=0 or low-b) volumes.
These values are to be interpreted as cosine values with respect to the image axis orientations
as defined by the corresponding NIfTI image header transformation;
unless the image axes defined in the corresponding NIfTI image header
form a right-handed coordinate system
(that is, the 3x3 matrix of direction cosines has a positive determinant),
in which case the sign of the first element of each 3-vector must be inverted
for this interpretation to be valid.
Note that this definition of orientations with respect to the NIfTI image axes
is not equivalent to the DICOM convention,
where orientations are instead defined with respect to the scanner device's coordinate system
(see Coordinate systems).
The [*_]dwi.bval
file contains the b-values (in s/mm2)
corresponding to the volumes in the relevant NIfTI file,
with 0 designating b=0 volumes; space-delimited.
Examples of [*_]dwi.bvec
and [*_]dwi.bval
corresponding to a NIfTI image with 6 volumes
with the first two volumes having no diffusion sensitization:
:0 0 0.021828 -0.015425 -0.70918 -0.2465 0 0 0.80242 0.22098 -0.00063106 0.1043 0 0 -0.59636 0.97516 -0.70503 -0.96351
:0 0 2000 2000 1000 1000
Multipart (split) DWI schemes
Some MR schemes cannot be acquired directly by some scanner devices, requiring to generate several DWI runs that were originally meant to belong in a single one. For instance, some GE scanners cannot collect more than ≈160 volumes in a single run under fast-changing gradients, so acquiring HCP-style diffusion images will require splitting the DWI scheme in several runs. Because researchers will generally optimize the data splits, these will likely not be able to be directly concatenated. BIDS permits defining arbitrary groupings of these multipart scans with the following metadata:
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
MultipartID | OPTIONAL | string | A unique (per participant) label tagging DWI runs that are part of a multipart scan. |
JSON example:
"MultipartID": "dwi_1"
For instance, if there are two phase-encoding directions (AP
, PA
), and
two runs each, and the intent of the researcher is that all of them are
part of a unique multipart scan, then they will tag all four runs with the
same MultipartID
(shown at the right-hand side of the file listing):
└─ sub-1/
└─ dwi # MultipartID/
├─ sub-1_dir-AP_run-1_dwi.nii.gz # dwi_1
├─ sub-1_dir-AP_run-2_dwi.nii.gz # dwi_1
├─ sub-1_dir-PA_run-1_dwi.nii.gz # dwi_1
└─ sub-1_dir-PA_run-2_dwi.nii.gz # dwi_1
If, conversely, the researcher wanted to store two multipart scans, one possibility is to combine matching phase-encoding directions:
└─ sub-1/
└─ dwi # MultipartID/
├─ sub-1_dir-AP_run-1_dwi.nii.gz # dwi_1
├─ sub-1_dir-AP_run-2_dwi.nii.gz # dwi_1
├─ sub-1_dir-PA_run-1_dwi.nii.gz # dwi_2
└─ sub-1_dir-PA_run-2_dwi.nii.gz # dwi_2
Alternatively, the researcher's intent could be combining opposed phase-encoding runs instead:
└─ sub-1/
└─ dwi # MultipartID/
├─ sub-1_dir-AP_run-1_dwi.nii.gz # dwi_1
├─ sub-1_dir-AP_run-2_dwi.nii.gz # dwi_2
├─ sub-1_dir-PA_run-1_dwi.nii.gz # dwi_1
└─ sub-1_dir-PA_run-2_dwi.nii.gz # dwi_2
The MultipartID
metadata MAY be used with the
entity, for example:
└─ sub-1/
└─ dwi # MultipartID/
├─ sub-1_acq-shell1_run-1_dwi.nii.gz # dwi_1
├─ sub-1_acq-shell1_run-2_dwi.nii.gz # dwi_2
├─ sub-1_acq-shell2_run-1_dwi.nii.gz # dwi_1
└─ sub-1_acq-shell2_run-2_dwi.nii.gz # dwi_2
Other RECOMMENDED metadata
The PhaseEncodingDirection
and TotalReadoutTime
fields are RECOMMENDED to enable the correction of geometrical distortions
with fieldmap information.
See Common metadata fields for a list of
additional terms that can be included in the corresponding JSON file.
JSON example:
"PhaseEncodingDirection": "j-",
"TotalReadoutTime": 0.095,
"B0FieldSource": ["phasediff_fmap0", "pepolar_fmap0"]
Arterial Spin Labeling perfusion data
Example datasets
Several example ASL datasets have been formatted using this specification and can be used for practical guidance when curating a new dataset.
For more information about filename elements (for example, entities, suffixes, extensions), follow the links embedded in the filename template.
Filename entities or directories between square brackets (for example,
) are OPTIONAL. -
Some entities may only allow specific values, in which case those values are listed in
, separated by|
. -
means that there are several (>6) valid suffixes for this filename pattern. -
means that there are several (>6) valid extensions for this file type. -
means that both the unzipped and gzipped versions of the extension are valid.
The complete ASL time series should be stored as a 4D NIfTI file in the original acquisition order,
accompanied by two ancillary files: *_asl.json
and *_aslcontext.tsv
The *_aslcontext.tsv
table consists of a single column of labels identifying the
of each volume in the corresponding *_asl.nii[.gz]
Volume types are defined in the following table, based on DICOM Tag 0018, 9257 ASL Context
Note that the volume_types control
and label
within BIDS only serve
to specify the magnetization state of the blood and thus the ASL subtraction order.
See the ASL Appendix
for more information on control
and label
volume_type | Definition |
control |
The control image is acquired in the exact same way as the label image, except that the magnetization of the blood flowing into the imaging region has not been inverted. |
label |
The label image is acquired in the exact same way as the control image, except that the blood magnetization flowing into the imaging region has been inverted. |
m0scan |
The M0 image is a calibration image, used to estimate the equilibrium magnetization of blood. |
deltam |
The deltaM image is a perfusion-weighted image, obtained by the subtraction of control - label . |
cbf |
The cerebral blood flow (CBF) image is produced by dividing the deltaM by the M0, quantified into mL/100g/min (See also doi:10.1002/mrm.25197). |
noRF |
No radio frequency excitation (noRF) images are produced by disabling the radio frequency excitation, while maintaining all other parameters from the associated scan. |
n/a |
In some cases, there may be volume types that are not yet supported by BIDS, or which cannot be used by tools. |
If the control
and label
images are not available,
their derivative deltam
should be stored within the *_asl.nii[.gz]
and specified in the *_aslcontext.tsv
If the deltam
is not available,
should be stored within the *_asl.nii[.gz]
and specified in the *_aslcontext.tsv
When cbf
is stored within the *_asl.nii[.gz]
its units need to be specified in the *_asl.json
as well.
Note that the raw images, including the m0scan
, may also be used for quality control.
See the ASL Appendix
for examples of the three possible cases, in order of decreasing preference.
The *_asl.nii.gz
and *_m0scan.nii.gz
should contain appropriately scaled data,
and no additional scaling factors are allowed other than the scale slope in the respective
NIfTI headers.
A deidentified screenshot of the planning of the labeling slab/plane with respect to the imaging slab or slices. This screenshot is based on DICOM macro C.
See LabelingLocationDescription
for more details.
The m0scan
can either be stored inside the 4D ASL time-series NIfTI file
or as a separate NIfTI file,
depending on whether it was acquired within the ASL time-series or as a separate scan.
These and other M0 options are specified in the REQUIRED M0Type
field of the *_asl.json
It can also be stored under
when the pepolar approach is used.
Depending on the method used for ASL acquisition ((P)CASL or PASL)
different metadata fields are applicable.
Additionally, some common metadata fields are REQUIRED for the *_asl.json
, MRAcquisitionType
, EchoTime
in case MRAcquisitionType
is defined as 2D,
, and FlipAngle
in case LookLocker
is true
See the ASL Appendix
for more information on the most common ASL sequences.
Common metadata fields applicable to both (P)CASL and PASL
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
ArterialSpinLabelingType | REQUIRED | string | The arterial spin labeling type. Must be one of: "CASL" , "PCASL" , "PASL" . |
PostLabelingDelay | REQUIRED | number or array of numbers | This is the postlabeling delay (PLD) time, in seconds, after the end of the labeling (for "CASL" or "PCASL" ) or middle of the labeling pulse (for "PASL" ) until the middle of the excitation pulse applied to the imaging slab (for 3D acquisition) or first slice (for 2D acquisition). Can be a number (for a single-PLD time series) or an array of numbers (for multi-PLD and Look-Locker). In the latter case, the array of numbers contains the PLD of each volume, namely each control and label , in the acquisition order. Any image within the time-series without a PLD, for example an m0scan , is indicated by a zero. Based on DICOM Tags 0018, 9079 Inversion Times and 0018, 0082 InversionTime . |
BackgroundSuppression | REQUIRED | boolean | Boolean indicating if background suppression is used. Must be one of: "true" , "false" . |
M0Type | REQUIRED | string | Describes the presence of M0 information. "Separate" means that a separate *_m0scan.nii[.gz] is present. "Included" means that an m0scan volume is contained within the current *_asl.nii[.gz] . "Estimate" means that a single whole-brain M0 value is provided. "Absent" means that no specific M0 information is present.Must be one of: "Separate" , "Included" , "Estimate" , "Absent" . |
TotalAcquiredPairs | REQUIRED | number | The total number of acquired control -label pairs. A single pair consists of a single control and a single label image.Must be a number greater than 0. |
VascularCrushing | RECOMMENDED | boolean | Boolean indicating if Vascular Crushing is used. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 9259 ASL Crusher Flag .Must be one of: "true" , "false" . |
AcquisitionVoxelSize | RECOMMENDED | array of numbers | An array of numbers with a length of 3, in millimeters. This field denotes the original acquisition voxel size, excluding any inter-slice gaps and before any interpolation or resampling within reconstruction or image processing. Any point spread function effects, for example due to T2-blurring, that would decrease the effective resolution are not considered here. |
LabelingOrientation | RECOMMENDED | array of numbers | Orientation of the labeling plane ((P)CASL ) or slab (PASL ). The direction cosines of a normal vector perpendicular to the ASL labeling slab or plane with respect to the patient. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 9255 ASL Slab Orientation . |
LabelingDistance | RECOMMENDED | number | Distance from the center of the imaging slab to the center of the labeling plane ((P)CASL ) or the leading edge of the labeling slab (PASL ), in millimeters. If the labeling is performed inferior to the isocenter, this number should be negative. Based on DICOM macro C. |
LabelingLocationDescription | RECOMMENDED | string | Description of the location of the labeling plane ("CASL" or "PCASL" ) or the labeling slab ("PASL" ) that cannot be captured by fields LabelingOrientation or LabelingDistance . May include a link to a deidentified screenshot of the planning of the labeling slab/plane with respect to the imaging slab or slices *_asllabeling.* . Based on DICOM macro C. |
LookLocker | OPTIONAL | boolean | Boolean indicating if a Look-Locker readout is used. Must be one of: "true" , "false" . |
LabelingEfficiency | OPTIONAL | number | Labeling efficiency, specified as a number between zero and one, only if obtained externally (for example phase-contrast based). Must be a number greater than 0. |
M0Estimate | OPTIONAL, but REQUIRED if M0Type is Estimate |
number | A single numerical whole-brain M0 value (referring to the M0 of blood), only if obtained externally (for example retrieved from CSF in a separate measurement). Must be a number greater than 0. |
BackgroundSuppressionNumberPulses | OPTIONAL, but RECOMMENDED if BackgroundSuppression is true |
number | The number of background suppression pulses used. Note that this excludes any effect of background suppression pulses applied before the labeling. Must be a number greater than or equal to 0. |
BackgroundSuppressionPulseTime | OPTIONAL, but RECOMMENDED if BackgroundSuppression is true |
array of numbers | Array of numbers containing timing, in seconds, of the background suppression pulses with respect to the start of the labeling. In case of multi-PLD with different background suppression pulse times, only the pulse time of the first PLD should be defined. |
VascularCrushingVENC | OPTIONAL, but RECOMMENDED if VascularCrushing is true |
number or array of numbers | The crusher gradient strength, in centimeters per second. Specify either one number for the total time-series, or provide an array of numbers, for example when using QUASAR, using the value zero to identify volumes for which VascularCrushing was turned off. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 925A ASL Crusher Flow Limit . |
(P)CASL-specific metadata fields
These fields can only be used when ArterialSpinLabelingType
is "CASL"
or "PCASL"
. See the ASL Appendix for more information on the (P)CASL sequence and the Labeling Pulse fields.
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
PCASLType | RECOMMENDED if ArterialSpinLabelingType is "PCASL" |
string | The type of gradient pulses used in the control condition.Must be one of: "balanced" , "unbalanced" . |
CASLType | RECOMMENDED if ArterialSpinLabelingType is "CASL" |
string | Describes if a separate coil is used for labeling. Must be one of: "single-coil" , "double-coil" . |
LabelingDuration | REQUIRED | number or array of numbers | Total duration of the labeling pulse train, in seconds, corresponding to the temporal width of the labeling bolus for "PCASL" or "CASL" . In case all control-label volumes (or deltam or CBF) have the same LabelingDuration , a scalar must be specified. In case the control-label volumes (or deltam or cbf) have a different "LabelingDuration" , an array of numbers must be specified, for which any m0scan in the timeseries has a "LabelingDuration" of zero. In case an array of numbers is provided, its length should be equal to the number of volumes specified in *_aslcontext.tsv . Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 9258 ASL Pulse Train Duration . |
LabelingPulseAverageGradient | RECOMMENDED | number | The average labeling gradient, in milliteslas per meter. Must be a number greater than 0. |
LabelingPulseMaximumGradient | RECOMMENDED | number | The maximum amplitude of the gradient switched on during the application of the labeling RF pulse(s), in milliteslas per meter. Must be a number greater than 0. |
LabelingPulseAverageB1 | RECOMMENDED | number | The average B1-field strength of the RF labeling pulses, in microteslas. As an alternative, "LabelingPulseFlipAngle" can be provided.Must be a number greater than 0. |
LabelingPulseDuration | RECOMMENDED | number | Duration of the individual labeling pulses, in milliseconds. Must be a number greater than 0. |
LabelingPulseFlipAngle | RECOMMENDED | number | The flip angle of a single labeling pulse, in degrees, which can be given as an alternative to "LabelingPulseAverageB1" .Must be a number greater than 0 and less than or equal to 360. |
LabelingPulseInterval | RECOMMENDED | number | Delay between the peaks of the individual labeling pulses, in milliseconds. Must be a number greater than 0. |
PASL-specific metadata fields
These fields can only be used when ArterialSpinLabelingType
See the ASL Appendix
for more information on the PASL sequence and the BolusCutOff fields.
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
BolusCutOffFlag | REQUIRED | boolean | Boolean indicating if a bolus cut-off technique is used. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 925C ASL Bolus Cut-off Flag .Must be one of: "true" , "false" . |
PASLType | RECOMMENDED | string | Type of the labeling pulse of the PASL labeling, for example "FAIR" , "EPISTAR" , or "PICORE" . |
LabelingSlabThickness | RECOMMENDED | number | Thickness of the labeling slab in millimeters. For non-selective FAIR a zero is entered. Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 9254 ASL Slab Thickness .Must be a number greater than 0. |
BolusCutOffDelayTime | OPTIONAL, but REQUIRED if BolusCutOffFlag is true |
number or array of numbers | Duration between the end of the labeling and the start of the bolus cut-off saturation pulse(s), in seconds. This can be a number or array of numbers, of which the values must be non-negative and monotonically increasing, depending on the number of bolus cut-off saturation pulses. For Q2TIPS, only the values for the first and last bolus cut-off saturation pulses are provided. Based on DICOM Tag 0018, 925F ASL Bolus Cut-off Delay Time . |
BolusCutOffTechnique | OPTIONAL, but REQUIRED if BolusCutOffFlag is true |
string | Name of the technique used, for example "Q2TIPS" , "QUIPSS" , "QUIPSSII" . Corresponds to DICOM Tag 0018, 925E ASL Bolus Cut-off Technique . |
metadata fields
Some common metadata fields are REQUIRED for the *_m0scan.json
: EchoTime
, RepetitionTimePreparation
, and FlipAngle
in case LookLocker
is true
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
IntendedFor | REQUIRED | string or array | The paths to files for which the associated file is intended to be used. Contains one or more BIDS URIs. Using forward-slash separated paths relative to the participant subdirectory is DEPRECATED. This is used to refer to the ASL time series for which the *_m0scan.nii[.gz] is intended. |
AcquisitionVoxelSize | RECOMMENDED | array of numbers | An array of numbers with a length of 3, in millimeters. This field denotes the original acquisition voxel size, excluding any inter-slice gaps and before any interpolation or resampling within reconstruction or image processing. Any point spread function effects, for example due to T2-blurring, that would decrease the effective resolution are not considered here. |
The following table recapitulates the ASL field dependencies. If Source field (column 1) contains the Value specified in column 2, then the Requirements in column 4 are imposed on the Dependent fields in column 3. See the ASL Appendix for this information in the form of flowcharts.
Source field | Value | Dependent field | Requirements |
MRAcquisitionType | 2D / 3D | SliceTiming | [X] / [] |
LookLocker | true | FlipAngle | [X] |
ArterialSpinLabelingType | PCASL | LabelingDuration | [X] |
ArterialSpinLabelingType | PASL | BolusCutOffFlag | [X] |
BolusCutOffFlag | true / false | BolusCutOffDelayTime | [X] / [] |
BolusCutOffFlag | true / false | BolusCutOffTechnique | [X] / [] |
M0Type | Separate | */perf/ | contains *_m0scan.nii[.gz] and *_m0scan.json |
M0Type | Included | *_aslcontext.tsv | contains m0scan |
M0Type | Estimate | M0Estimate | [X] |
*_aslcontext.tsv |
cbf | Units | [X] |
- [ X ] --> MUST be defined
- [ ] --> MUST NOT be defined
Fieldmap data
Data acquired to correct for B0 inhomogeneities can come in different forms. The current version of this standard considers four different scenarios:
These four different types of field mapping strategies can be encoded using the following image types:
Name | suffix |
Description |
EPI | epi | The phase-encoding polarity (PEpolar) technique combines two or more Spin Echo EPI scans with different phase encoding directions to estimate the underlying inhomogeneity/deformation map. |
Fieldmap | fieldmap | Some MR schemes such as spiral-echo imaging (SEI) sequences are able to directly provide maps of the B0 field inhomogeneity. |
Magnitude | magnitude | Field-mapping MR schemes such as gradient-recalled echo (GRE) generate a Magnitude image to be used for anatomical reference. Requires the existence of Phase, Phase-difference or Fieldmap maps. |
Magnitude | magnitude1 | Magnitude map generated by GRE or similar schemes, associated with the first echo in the sequence. |
Magnitude | magnitude2 | Magnitude map generated by GRE or similar schemes, associated with the second echo in the sequence. |
Phase | phase1 | Phase map generated by GRE or similar schemes, associated with the first echo in the sequence. |
Phase | phase2 | Phase map generated by GRE or similar schemes, associated with the second echo in the sequence. |
Phase-difference | phasediff | Some scanners subtract the phase1 from the phase2 map and generate a unique phasediff file. For instance, this is a common output for the built-in fieldmap sequence of Siemens scanners. |
Expressing the MR protocol intent for fieldmaps
Fieldmaps are typically acquired with the purpose of correcting one or more EPI
scans under dwi/
, func/
, or perf/
for distortions derived from B0
Using B0FieldIdentifier
The general purpose B0FieldIdentifier
MRI metadata
is RECOMMENDED for the prescription of the B0 field estimation intent of the
original acquisition protocol.
and B0FieldSource
duplicate the capabilities of
the original IntendedFor
approach (see below), while permitting more
complex use cases.
It is RECOMMENDED to use both approaches to maintain compatibility with
tools that support older datasets.
Using IntendedFor
Fieldmap data MAY be linked to the specific scan(s) it was acquired for by
filling the IntendedFor
field in the corresponding JSON file.
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
IntendedFor | OPTIONAL | string or array | The paths to files for which the associated file is intended to be used. Contains one or more BIDS URIs. Using forward-slash separated paths relative to the participant subdirectory is DEPRECATED. This field is OPTIONAL, and in case the fieldmaps do not correspond to any particular scans, it does not have to be filled. |
For example:
"IntendedFor": [
Types of fieldmaps
Case 1: Phase-difference map and at least one magnitude image
Example datasets
Example datasets containing that type of fieldmap can be found here:
For more information about filename elements (for example, entities, suffixes, extensions), follow the links embedded in the filename template.
Filename entities or directories between square brackets (for example,
) are OPTIONAL. -
Some entities may only allow specific values, in which case those values are listed in
, separated by|
. -
means that there are several (>6) valid suffixes for this filename pattern. -
means that there are several (>6) valid extensions for this file type. -
means that both the unzipped and gzipped versions of the extension are valid.
the REQUIRED _phasediff
image corresponds to the phase-drift map between echo times,
the REQUIRED _magnitude1
image corresponds to the shorter echo time, and
the OPTIONAL _magnitude2
image to the longer echo time.
Required fields:
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
EchoTime1 | REQUIRED | number | The time (in seconds) when the first (shorter) echo occurs. Must be a number greater than 0. |
EchoTime2 | REQUIRED | number | The time (in seconds) when the second (longer) echo occurs. Must be a number greater than 0. |
In this particular case, the sidecar JSON file
MUST define the time of two echos used to map the phase and finally calculate
the phase-difference map.
For example:
"EchoTime1": 0.00600,
"EchoTime2": 0.00746,
"B0FieldIdentifier": "phasediff_fmap0"
Case 2: Two phase maps and two magnitude images
Similar to case 1, but instead of a precomputed phase-difference map, two separate phase images and two magnitude images corresponding to first and second echos are available.
For more information about filename elements (for example, entities, suffixes, extensions), follow the links embedded in the filename template.
Filename entities or directories between square brackets (for example,
) are OPTIONAL. -
Some entities may only allow specific values, in which case those values are listed in
, separated by|
. -
means that there are several (>6) valid suffixes for this filename pattern. -
means that there are several (>6) valid extensions for this file type. -
means that both the unzipped and gzipped versions of the extension are valid.
Required fields:
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
EchoTime | REQUIRED | number | The time (in seconds) when the echo corresponding to this map was acquired. Must be a number greater than 0. |
Each phase map has a corresponding sidecar JSON file to specify its corresponding EchoTime
For example, sub-<label>[_ses-<label>][_acq-<label>][_run-<index>]_phase2.json
may read:
"EchoTime": 0.00746,
"B0FieldIdentifier": "phases_fmap0"
Case 3: Direct field mapping
In some cases (for example GE), the scanner software will directly reconstruct a B0 field map along with a magnitude image used for anatomical reference.
For more information about filename elements (for example, entities, suffixes, extensions), follow the links embedded in the filename template.
Filename entities or directories between square brackets (for example,
) are OPTIONAL. -
Some entities may only allow specific values, in which case those values are listed in
, separated by|
. -
means that there are several (>6) valid suffixes for this filename pattern. -
means that there are several (>6) valid extensions for this file type. -
means that both the unzipped and gzipped versions of the extension are valid.
Required fields:
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
Units | REQUIRED | string | Measurement units for the associated variable. SI units in CMIXF formatting are RECOMMENDED (see Units). Fieldmaps must be in units of Hertz ("Hz" ), radians per second ("rad/s" ), or Tesla ("T" ). |
For example:
"Units": "rad/s",
"IntendedFor": "bids::sub-01/func/sub-01_task-motor_bold.nii.gz",
"B0FieldIdentifier": "b0map_fmap0"
See Using IntendedFor
for details on the IntendedFor
Case 4: Multiple phase encoded directions ("pepolar")
Example datasets
An example dataset containing that type of fieldmap can be found here:
The phase-encoding polarity (PEpolar) technique combines two or more Spin Echo
EPI scans with different phase encoding directions to estimate the distortion
map corresponding to the nonuniformities of the B0 field.
These *_epi.nii[.gz]
- or *_m0scan.nii[.gz]
for arterial spin labeling perfusion data - files can be 3D or 4D --
in the latter case, all timepoints share the same scanning parameters.
Some 4D scans intended for correcting DWIs may have accompanying *_epi.bval
and *_epi.bvec
Examples of software tools using these kinds of images are FSL TOPUP and
AFNI 3dqwarp
For more information about filename elements (for example, entities, suffixes, extensions), follow the links embedded in the filename template.
Filename entities or directories between square brackets (for example,
) are OPTIONAL. -
Some entities may only allow specific values, in which case those values are listed in
, separated by|
. -
means that there are several (>6) valid suffixes for this filename pattern. -
means that there are several (>6) valid extensions for this file type. -
means that both the unzipped and gzipped versions of the extension are valid.
The dir-<label>
entity is REQUIRED
for these files.
This entity MUST be used in addition to
the REQUIRED PhaseEncodingDirection
metadata field
(see Filename structure).
Required fields:
Key name | Requirement Level | Data type | Description |
PhaseEncodingDirection | REQUIRED | string | The letters i , j , k correspond to the first, second and third axis of the data in the NIFTI file. The polarity of the phase encoding is assumed to go from zero index to maximum index unless - sign is present (then the order is reversed - starting from the highest index instead of zero). PhaseEncodingDirection is defined as the direction along which phase is was modulated which may result in visible distortions. Note that this is not the same as the DICOM term InPlanePhaseEncodingDirection which can have ROW or COL values.Must be one of: "i" , "i-" , "j" , "j-" , "k" , "k-" . |
TotalReadoutTime | REQUIRED | number | This is actually the "effective" total readout time, defined as the readout duration, specified in seconds, that would have generated data with the given level of distortion. It is NOT the actual, physical duration of the readout train. If "EffectiveEchoSpacing" has been properly computed, it is just EffectiveEchoSpacing * (ReconMatrixPE - 1) . |
For example:
"PhaseEncodingDirection": "j-",
"TotalReadoutTime": 0.095,
"IntendedFor": "bids::sub-01/func/sub-01_task-motor_bold.nii.gz",
"B0FieldIdentifier": "pepolar_fmap0"
See Using IntendedFor
for details on the IntendedFor
As for other EPI sequences, these field mapping sequences may have any of the
in-plane spatial encoding metadata keys.
However, please note that PhaseEncodingDirection
and TotalReadoutTime
are REQUIRED for these field mapping sequences.